Famously Free n Almost Always Radically Ridiculous

The blog of a 20 year old Christ-Follower from Glasgow, Scotland!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

St Silas Vs Burnside

St Silas football team where back to winning ways this Saturday afternoon with a 6-1 win over a good passing Burnside. Although Silas could maybe have scored more (missed a lot of easy goals) the score line does not do Burnside justice. They where always looking to play the ball on the ground and used the wings well.

Today was in total contrast to last week: After a motivating team talk from Iain McRitchy everyone was focused and knew exactly what they where doing. From the start Burnside played some good attacking football putting us under pressure but our defensive dealt with it well.

Having John and Frank up front is always going to cause any team problems on the break and that's exactly how the game played out. Burnside played around our midfield and then when we won the ball we broke. All three of our first half goals came from a break away and corners which where won on the break. Tam, Ali, Richard and Frank we brilliant in the air meaning we are always a threat at Set plays. Silas midfield played well together winning almost every "first ball" (eg. The first header) and "second ball" (eg. Getting control of the ball after the first challenge). Also the understanding and covering of the 4 midfeliders is really coming together. Burnsides eagerness to play football (pass the ball around rather than just kick it high) almost caught them out on several occations as a determined St Silas pressured the player with the ball.

The second half was a similar story as the game opened out a bit allowing St Silas to pass throughout the Burnside defence which had "played the offside" (All stood in a line and walked out just before the ball was played in order the attackers are offside) so well in the first half. St Silas managed to rap the game up with a further 3 goals. Burnside got a well deserved goal in the last 15mins. Burnside Man of the Match (no. 9) managed to trick his way through the St Silas defence and although derrick made a brilliant save to deny his shot when the ball was played back in there was little he could do to stop the ball.

The defence also played well and did a good job against good attackers. Disappointing to loose a goal though in a team which has 4 attacking minded midfielder players the team is set out to score more than we loose.

All in all it was a good performance from a strong St Silas team.

St Silas line up: derrick

Davy Lawler, Richard Ollyt, Davy Stewart, Murdo

Alan Dock, Graham Cuthbert, Ali Morrow, Tam Murray

Frank Brodie, John Wood (Captain)

Goals: Frank (2) Richard (1) Tam (1) John(2) (I think)

On a personal note I shacked off my injury from last well and played well (thank you god), receiving another Man of the Match award yet there is still room for improvement which is great! . Though the whole team is doing superb: top of the league, top goal scorers, Top MoM and Best goal difference. This is very much a team effort!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Warm Clothes?!?

I am now making it clear for all that,yes , it is OK to get out the scarfs, jumpers, tammies (hats), gloves and MASSIVE winter jackets because finally Winter is officially upon us (in Scotland anyway)! (If you managed to read that sentence then give yourself a gold star!)

If anyone does not believe me then please look here or please go outside!

I think winter is BRILLIANT!

  • The world around us looks even more beautiful
  • We get to laugh at the "EMERGENCIES" all over the country a.k.a. the weather which has been happening for thousands/millions of years does what it does every year and humans don't like it
  • It rains :D

Yet I find myself ill equipped for the weather and I like millions of other people in the northern hemisphere will look to the highstreet for the clothes to keep warm. When thinking about where to buy from places like Topman, Debenhams, H&M and even ASDA (student) came to mind until I remember that all the products where all made by people in sweat shops. I'm sure you are all very aware of the awful situation. We see in the news and all over the place so much stuff ABOUT sweat shops. Yet nothing about where I can spend my money to buy fairly traded items such as: Jumpers, Jackets, Jeans or Football boots which so far I have not been able to find. These are basic essentials.

So where can people buy clothes? Though fashion isn't extremely important it would be nice if these clothes looking half sensible and were prices reasonably. So has anyone found a place that can supply fairly traded clothes? PLEASE leave a comment and tell us if you have!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Using a mobile phone could damage sperm

This was a headline on AOL news a couple of days ago:

Mobile phones may be causing damage to sperm production in men with potentially devastating consequences for fertility rates, a study suggests.

The Independent reported that a study had found microwaves emitted by the phones reduced the number, mobility and quality of sperm by almost half.

Scientists from the Reproductive Research Centre at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio, tested the sperm of 364 men who were being investigated for infertility with their partners.

They found that men who were the heaviest users of mobile phones - more than four hours a day - had the lowest sperm counts at 50 million per millilitre (ml) and the least healthy sperm. In contrast, sperm counts were highest (86 million per ml), and the sperm healthiest, among those men who reported that they did not use mobile phones.

The study was carried out in Mumbai, India, where mobile phones have not yet penetrated all social groups.

Professor Ashok Agarwal, director of the research centre, told The Independent: "On all four parameters - sperm count, motility, viability and morphology - there were significant differences between the groups.
"The greater the use of cellphones, the greater the decrease in these parameters. That was very clear and very significant."

Could this be the begining of a "Children of Men" like human race? Even though so much technology kills us and our enviroment yet we still use it. Could we deal with a ban of mobile phones? A ban of wireless? A cap on the energy we use?

Who is Jesus?

"In his famous book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis makes this statement:

"A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us."

Two thousand years after he walked the earth, Jesus remains one of the most talked-about and influential people who has ever lived. Some of the greatest minds have wondered at who Jesus is and been left in awe. " (taken from here)



Monday nights talk seemed to go well. Thank you god! Also the Pizza we had was very nice! Dominos is highly recommend, though highly priced. (anyone else have a sudden craving for pizza?)

Five kids came along which was a good size for the talk but slightly disappointing. Its hard to think of games and activities and even more difficult to keep them interesting when there are so few. It looked like they had fun though and they heard the word of god so we (as leaders) can't fall into the numbers game! Thanks for all your prayers

Monday, October 23, 2006


Tonight at Crusaders (Christain youth group) I will be doing the teaching. The topic is "Who is Jesus?", looking at a few of his mircles and what that makes him. So if your the praying type It would be great if you could spend a minute praying for god to use me to speak into their hearts! Amen!


My Gran was up from Hull for the weekend because on Sunday my brother (Alan) was being confirmed (explain later :D). The family went to the morning service at St Silas which this week was an All Age service. These happen month and instead of all the children going out to learn about god they stay in. Sadly due too the wound (injury) I picked up on Satuday I was unable to help lead the dancing but the girls did a superb job. The bands leading in songs was also, I found, very helpful and Nick's Sermon was not only refreshingly short but also very much to the point. Leaving me and I'm sure many others food for thought.

After lunch my Uncle Pete who is also Alan's brothers god father arrived. We spent the afternoon chatting away then headed to St Silas again for the evening service. It was a "special" service as 6 people where being confirmed and 3 people where being baptized and confirmed.

Some children are baptized. This is where the parents and god parents commit to bringing the child up as God wants them to be eg. Teaching the child about god. Confirmation is where that child, now old enough to decide for themselves, says publicly that they believe in god and they wish to follow is ways. (You don't have to do this to be a Christian by the way). Adult Baptisms are a similar idea, saying publicly you follow God as your Lord. They are symbolically fully immersed (put under water) representing that they are cleaned by god and are forgiven.

During the service two people who where being confirmed gave their testimonies (how they became Christians) Fantastic! Also a great guy called Christian was ordained (officially became a minister) and the band sounded really rocky. Leading the congregation in praise which I'm sure god was loving!

One of the two bishop's gave a sermon on Peters Confession of Christ . Though his point, I felt, did not relate to the passage. He also said that one had to have experience with god before they could become a Christian which I don't agree with. I until recently never "experienced" god and not in the same way his examples (Adam, Moses, Paul etc.) did. Maybe I misinterpreted what he was saying but that's the clear message I got. Obviously the guy has many more years of learning about god than me! I must stress these are my thoughts and I in no way which to start an argument about it but what does anyone else think? I would be interested in hearing/learning from what others have to say...

It was loverly having my gran and Uncle up and chatting away, I pray that i will be as mobile as her when im that age!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Houston 5 St Silas 2

(Due to tiredness, time constraints and because we lost this report shall be short)

Saturday morning was a sad day. After last weeks brilliant performance it was a real disappointment! No more than 5mins had passed and we where down to 10 players after our goalie got sent off. Gordon then took over in goals, saving the resulting penalty! John scored a brilliant goal to put St Silas ahead but at half time it was like 3-1. The 2nd half saw us loose a few more goals and another player. The game finished 5-2.

Although it was a spirited performance it felt like we had gone back to our first season. Personally I played badly and also got a very painful dead leg. (I know its pathetic sounding but I almost cannot walk) It was a cup game which in some ways is quite sad but its just another game. I hope and pray that the team can put the game behind us and we can be back to our best against Burnside next Saturday!

Thanks to the brilliant people who came along to support us! Just fantastic!

delirious?/Tim Hughes

Last night (Friday) Delirious played the Carling academy. They were supported by the very gifted Tim Hughes! I was a little unsure what I thought of Christian Concerts before I went as the bands might perform for them not lead others in worship, thankfully I was pleasantly surprised:

For those that aren't massive on artists Tim Hughes is an American guitar player who god has used to write many well known Christian songs. It was quite funny, infact, because as Tim Hughes and his band walked onto stage all the people around me where asking "Is that him? Or this a warm up band?". Which I think is a great complement to his humbleness.

His band led a large crowd in a very church worship like way, it wasn't like a concert at all. After songs I cannot remember him talking, other than to sing/talk little bits to the next song. He did a lot of well known Christian songs which were easy to sing as the words where projected onto the screen for all to see. As we sang, for me personally, I was very aware of the holy spirit moving which was just fantastic. It was so nice to see a whole crowd of thousands bouncing up and down singing praises to god, especially in a place where so much idol worship happens. Only negative thing was they didn't play for a long time!!

Shortly after they had finished the fire alarm went off..... In all the gigs I've been to this has NEVER happened! It seems typical a thing like this would happen at a Christian event? Or am I reading too much into this? Anyway, thankfully it didn' rain until we where all going back inside.

delirious? then came on and did, I felt, a very long set. After hearing many reports from others I expected a very "idol worship" like "show". Unlike Tim Hughes they were a rock band and did put on a bit of a show (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) though they were worshipping god :D Sadly for me, I didn't know any of the songs they played and since there lyrics are, it seems, written to fit the music it made it hard for me to join in. Many other people around me where really loving it! They also played a style which I don't really enjoy listening to but again other people really really liked them which was really good! Lyrically, though, delirious where good!!

At the end, as we tired to leave, it was ridiculous! You couldn't go 10 paces without dumping into someone you knew! lol This ment I missed the last train but one of the perks of living at home is my fantastic mum was able to come pick me up!

All in All it was a really good evening. The £15 ticket and high drinks prices was a bit steep and although I didn't massively enjoy delirious I'm sure God in heaven would have been enjoyed us singing to his glory! Which, end the day, is what we should be doing it for!

I love the fact that god made music, I thank him almost everyday for it but I also thank god for making us differently. We find different ways to praise god and those that like music: there are so many styles! I pray that I will never forget that people are different and have different tastes!

What did anyone else feel bout the gig?

(Saturdays match report to follow soon)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bad Stuff:

Last night the classic Pretty Woman was on ITV2. Now for many girls this is the greatest film ever! (so I'm told) and since I hadn't seen the film all the way through before I decided I should. (I'm going to get slated for watching this aren't I?)

The film was quite entertaining. Both the main actors played their parts very well and played the fairy tail plot. There is also a sub plot: The high flying business man Edward Lewis (played by Richard Gere) is very similar to the prostitute Vivian Ward (played by Julia Roberts) as they both "Screw people for money". As the film goes on Edward is changed by Vivian and in the end there is a happy ending. This is a rubbish summary of the film so please look on the net for a better description of the plot if you want, try here or here.

There are a few lines in the film which I really liked:

Edward: I've never treated you like a prostitute.

[He walks away.]

Vivian: You just did.

In this scene Edward cuts Vivian deep in just one sentences. This got me thinking of tongues and their damage. Proverbs has got loads to say on the subject and I thought this one was particularly true:

Proverbs 27:15 "A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day"

ooops wrong verse :P! (Sorry guys, couldnt resist) The real verse is:

Proverbs 12:18 "Reckless words pierce like a sword......"
(New International Version)

As I look at my own life I can see how the "Reckless Words" of others has "pierce[d me] like a sword" and also how my words have cut people down. This is especially true when it concerns people who look up to others. I do realise the irony of me putting that verse above in but I think it is an example. So often we say things we don't mean for fun. I hope in this case it has not caused anyone offence. The verse goes on to say:

".....But the tongue of the wise brings healing".

Being nice to people can bring them such joy! I try to do this by noticing peoples appearance, their actions or just making it clear your glad to see them. Through god I think I've become a lot better though for me there is much improvement to be made!!!! Another line in the film gave me an new angle on that though. This line is taken just after someone has a had a go at Vivian because of her job, she is feeling very hurt:

Vivian Ward: People put you down enough, you start to believe it.

Edward Lewis: I think you are a very bright, very special woman.

Vivian Ward: The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?

I have an amazingly cute dog though the over use of certain words causes him to not respond to them anymore. I wonder if the reason "the bad stuff is easier to believe" could be due to out over use of compliments. This causing them to mean very little? It says in Proverbs 26:28:

"A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin."

(New International Version)

Where does one draws the line between nice/flattery? Or when does trying to cheer someone up become a lie? So many of us say things we don't mean. I find myself so challenged not to over do it. A friend said of mine has said to me she often thinks I'm "Just saying that to make her feel better". Which, I guess, in a way, I am. Though as I speak much/all of what I say is true. Maybe I just so use to being "nice" that I don't notice my lies anymore?

Scotland is almost proud of a negative attitude, both to ourselfs and to others. If we as a society changed the way we speak so that we don't put others down yet alot didn't lie with our compliments then maybe people would be more ready to believe words of kindness? And then the "healing" could begin?

And I wondering (Isn't there a verse where Moses or someone says if a man applied all the proverbs he would be the wisest man ever?)

Monday, October 16, 2006

St Silas 4- 1 Houston:

(Sorry for the lateness of the report)

Houston, if you remember, where the team which beat St Silas in the cup final last year and over the last 3 seasons we have had some hard fought match. Turning the fixture (for St Silas atleast) into a grudge match. The St Silas's football team played well and deserved to win:

Before the match we all met for breakfast at the church as usual. For probably the first time the whole team met at church instead of some going straight to the pitch and there was a great buzz and an atmosphere of anticipation as we sat and joked. Also for the first time I can remember we really talked tactics. This sounds bad, but often amateur teams don't have the skill or time to sort out "how" we are going to play rather than just the formation. It just shows how far the team has come. After some more tea and toast (oh and wheatabix for valley boy) we headed off to the game.

The team was:

Derrick (Goals)

Davie L, Richard Olliot, Davie Stewart, Murdo (defense, left to right)

Richard Grant, Graham, Ali, Tam (Medfield, left to right)

John, Frank (attack)

Subs: Olly, Paul (Replaced Ali), Sonny, Gordon, Willy

After a good opening spell St Silas managed to break the dead lock after about 20mins with a well worked passing move started by the defense with 3 Medfield making vital passes and a slotted finish from John. 1-0

The second came as an own goal. St Silas's pressure resulted in a corner which Tam whipped in dangerously leaving a defender helpless as he headed the ball into his own net. The goal (I am told) was credited to Frank.

A third goal came before half time. Frank managed to tackle and then beat 3 Houston defenders before he unleashed a superb strike beyond the goal keeper.

At half time it was 3-0.

The second half saw Frank score a 3rd. The move, started from defense again, caught Houston in attack as Ali collected the ball and ran down the pitch, passing the ball to john who was forced to the wing. John did a one two with Ali at the side of the Houston box before guiding a ball into the path of frank who headed expertly past the Houston keeper.

The Houston Keeper made an excellent save as he tipped Tam's long range effort over the bar. Houston's goal came from a throw. The attacker then spun and his shot agonizingly trickled into the bottom corner. Poor goal to loose from St Silas but still a good individual effort by the attacker.

St Silas's Davie Stewart picked up a 2nd yellow card in the last 5mins but thankfully it didn't effect the over all result which keeps St Silas on top of the league, by goal difference and extends the winning streak.

Its very encouraging to see the team grow and grow. Thank god from answered prayer. Also a big well done to the team! Special mention to Tam who played the best I've seen him play since he started last year. Oh and I got MoM (5/5 for me). Thank you god for blessing me with this gift!

Next week the teams will meet again. This time in the first round of the cup!

(Small Print: This is a biased and probably inaccurate report of the actual events. Please comment to correct any mistakes I have made. Please do not be offended by this report. Houston are a very good team!)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Gospel Drop (part 2):

Sorry for all that have been waiting for the outcome to my last blog (aka my mum :D), anyway:

Thursday night by all accounts went fantastically. God really worked through us all! Sadly though I wasn't really able to chat to other CU people involved but those that I chatted to seemed positive.

I went with Neil (who for future reference is President of the CU). As we went up to the first flat (8A) I was calm as anything until we prayed, then I was suddenly hit with nerves causing me to go red and smile for the first 20mins! I was given the task of writing their answers to the "questionnaire" (basically a list of suggested conversation starters which gave us a "reason" to be there, ingenious!)

The first couple of flats weren't really too keen to chat but the third flat invited us in and we chatted away for bout 30mins. All 6 of the young ladies seemed interested and up for a discussion which was great. After leaving them with food for thought, some fliers and gospels we moved to a few more flats and chatted to people at the doors.

Then we were invited into the flat of 3 guys, all of whom were so keen to chat away. Was just brilliant. So many "issues" where brought up. They where very open with their views and difficulties with Christianity. Not only that but let Neil and I explain our views! God was working so much: he led the conversations from point to point. In a logical and satisfying order! eg. They starting talking about how the bible is Chinese whispers. God then used me tell them about how accurate the bible actually is and, in turn, the bibles truth. Which intrigued them so we where able to give the gospels without making a deal of it and so on. Most important they showed me this clip of Family Guy which is amazing.

Thank you for your prayers and thank you god your so amazin!

Sadly due to my excitement my account isn't very good , thank god I didn't write the gospels!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Gospel Drop":

Tonight (Thursday) Strathclyde Christian Union (CU) will be doing a Gospel drop. This means the CU go knocking on all the people in halls doors and chat to them about God/Jesus etc. We have been blessed by enough money to buy loads of copies of John's Gospel which we will be looking to give out.

So it would be great if you guys reading could pray for us; specifically for:
  • Protection (Mental, physical and spiritual) of the volunteers
  • That God would be working in the hearts and minds of those we will be meeting
  • His spirit would make us confident and strong for him
  • And very importantly that we wouldn't water down or not mention the less acceptable parts of our savior's message! If we don't stay true to his word then what is the point in doing this?

Thank you Jesus you died for us all. Thank you God that we can speak freely about you in Scotland and that we have the honor of spreading your good news!

The first copy had some jokes and a nice lil pic but the computer lost it :( Sorry guys!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I am a leader of a Crusader Group in Polockshields. Last Monday the group went to The Zone which is basically Lazer Quest! :D My brother is king of the place....Now we all know that all the guys reading this blog are like "ooooh, I like lazer quest! I would be great at that!". So I challenge you all to go! Its in Motherwell (Just outside Glasgow) and only maybe 5-10mins walk from the train station.

We had a great evening. Played two games then went to McDonald's (on the way to the station!). Although we only had 5 kids their everyone concerned seemed to have fun!

The only problem I had with the place was the game is flaw!!! (Here come the excuses for not winning!) Once you kill someone it takes them like 5seconds to respawn (Yes this is Xbox!!!). So say I were to kill person A and person B (who are standing near each other) I have to run away before person A has respawned. Sadly though running is not allowed!!

Normally people walk away if they are killed though on Monday I had 3 girls follow me around (I loved it really)!! So I would shoot them but they would respawn and kill me! Clearly very unfair *sad face*

Anyway, it's a great place to go. It was also nice for the crusader group to finally meet this year. We have been having problems with leaders for a few years and it would appear to have lowered our numbers. We meet on a Monday night at Pollockshields Church from 7:45-9:15. The group caters for 8-16 year olds. Your prays would be appreciated!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Search The Scriptures:

As previously mentioned I bought this book ------>>

It is a three year daily devotional book where you read the set passage and then write down your answers to the questions in the book. I have already found it very helpful! After only reading the first chapter of Luke I have found two large (10 or so verses each) which I had never read before. One of these parts was "Mary's song" which I found very interesting:

This passage is taken after Mary is told by an angel she will be the mother to Jesus. Mary then travels to see her relative (called Elizabeth) who says to Mary:

"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"

Many people find it difficult receiving compliments/people saying nice things (well I do atleast) especially in church circles when it comes to talents (gifts) we often play them down. I find Mary's reaction very interesting! After being told she was going to give birth to God on earth, she then has her older relative saying she is favored by god that Mary had come to see her.....In her shoes many of us might say "Its not me its god! I'm nothings special! Yeh God is amazing! but why me? Its not me, I am rubbish" Marys response is very different from ours:

"[My soul rejoices for]...He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant."

She acknowledge that without her humbleness and willing to serve she wouldn't have been used. Yet doesn't defer any of the glory for god. She also doesn't doubt gods choice. The song continues with:

"From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me - holy is his name."

If we were to say this would we/others think we where pridefully? Or cocky?

Obviously we don't often have meetings with angels and are rarely told we will do amazing wonders yet I believe we must have the same attitude to our gifts and talents as Mary did! Which means acknowledge your part it letting god use you and not being ashamed of how good you are it! Yet at the same time giving the glory to god. This applies to anything! Wether it be someones determination and disire to serve others (getting up early to clean) or more visual gifts.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Scotland 1 France 0 (http://www.goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=142068)

BOOYAA :D I love it! Its nice to see Scotland getting a some luck, something which had been lacking for more than I can ever remember. France missed chances and we were saved by the post but hey Scotland are now top of group B! Well done to Walter Smith for turning things round with almost the same players!

I also love how Scotland are now "going to qualify" for Euro 2008. Its ridiculous how people in this country are so over the top. 18months ago we had no chance and everyone was gloom and doom. Even 6months ago we were never going to qualify with Italy, France and the Ukraine in our group then suddenly everyone thinks we are brilliant *Shakes head* why cant we (Scots/Brits) be a little more level headed?

Also I was listening to the radio and was shocked to hear Chick Young (BBC Scotland Footy correspondent) saying that "There was magic in the air" because not only did Scotland win but England drew 0-0. This is disgraceful! My mother is English and was chuffed to see Scotland win and then has "respected" people laughing at her teams misfortune. Why do Scots continue with this racism? Rivalry is fine but this sick! Anyone agree?

Church Football: St. Silas Vs EK Claremont

Today the church team won 6-3! :D Continuing our brilliant start to the season, with now 28 goals in 5 games. Today was a good game! Here's my extremely detailed match report:

  • 1-0
  • 2-0 (Goal by your very own Graham Cuthbert :D)
  • 3-0
  • 3-1
  • 4-1 (Half time)
  • 4-2
  • 4-3 (Everyone gets all stressed out! But thank god we managed to keep it together, with little moaning and a good team spirit we stuck on through)
  • 5-3
  • 6-3

It was an exciting game, quite physical with a lot of late tackles. The other team couldn't deal with our strikers pace and passing, claiming that they were offside a lot when they weren't. The referee controlled the game well and even on a bobbly pitch both teams were able to play decent football! Oh and I also got Man of the Match :D! (4/4 for the games i've played!) Which is lovely.

At time of writing they have not updated the website but http://www.churchesleague.com/leaguetables.asp?sid=28&scid=54 is our league if anyone is interested. We play in the 3rd division (this is our season for promotion!!). This is now the teams 3rd season (we start in the 3rd division) and we feel confident that if we keep injury free and sort out problems with moaning we will win the league this year! Come and support us, we had 4 supporters today which was brilliant :) Thanks to them!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Surprised by Science! (im not 1/2 stealing the famous title)

Today (Friday) i had a really kool read which has turned my confidence in scientific proof of god/no god up side down. I had a few hours to wasted today and i went back to a site which i had read about the bible and how it's the exact same as it was 2000 years ago and i found this: http://www.allaboutthejourney.org/origin-of-life.htm

Took me bout 45mins to read but i found it really enlightening. Talks about Proof of evolution from a scientific approch, its very non offensive so even if your totally against god etc why not give it a read and test your thoughts?

Today i also met a friend from church, was lovely gettin to know him better and also lovely to meet someone who can eat more than me! This guy is massive, not fast massive though! Pure muscle lol Its now my goal in life to be that powerful! When we where saying bye i nearly got ran down, like seriously was bout 10cm from being hit by a 20mile an hour bus. Thank you god you kept me safe!!!

I then spent the rest of the after with another friend. Spent my time fighting with a frappachino in the coffee shop! Was just ice, like all ice, couldnt drink it at all. Also bought a new book which will take me 3years to read.....(Each day you read a bit of the bible and then answer Qs on it. It should be good though ill be 21 when i finish it ;D so come back and ill give you a review then!) So all in all a great day :D

We've (St Silas) got a game early tomorrow so hopefully we will continue to win and another MoM award would be nice, if your the praying type can u pray that the moaning would be cut out and relationships would really grow!

Have a good weekend all!

Homeless World Cup (Football):

"Russia have won the Homeless World Cup for the first time, beating newcomers Kazakhstan in an entertaining final in Cape Town. Russia join Italy (twice) and Austria as Homeless World Cup winners."

The Scotland won the Big Issue Cape Town Cup after being led by (My Church team) St Silas's own prolific striker Frank Brodie who was was captain of the team! I think thats actually amazin! Frankie is a brilliant player. Also Scotlands Lindsay Cooper recieved the award of best female player.

This was the 4th competition which is now becoming a recognised annual event. With 48 nations competing this time (27 last year), professional teams like Man Utd, Real Madrid and sponsors like Nike and U.E.F.A. becoming involoved mabey the goal of the tournament might be acheived: "The Homeless World Cup changes the scenery for the players. It presents the opportunity of working in a team, provides coaching towards a health-oriented attitude towards life, raises self-esteem, fun and brings sense of family to your life. However, this sporting event is also challenging stereotyping and the attitudes of the public. Homeless people who were spat at the week before are cheered by thousands, asked for autographs and treated as heroes. We have proved that this creates real and lasting change.”

According to the figures on the website "over 90% of participants involved with the 2004 tournament stated the event had a positive effect on their lives with 75% of those participating deciding to go on to education, find a home, a job, give up drink or drugs." Also some of the players have even gone on to semi and professional clubs!!! This is the most amazing thing! Just brialliant that things like this are going on!

Sadly because of the Homeless World Cup website http://www.homelessworldcup.org/ not being regularly updated i havn't got all the information. Though hats off to the team! They have done the country proud! and well done to frankie! wat a guy! lol Thank god for things like this and i really hope that when we all see homeless people that we can just give them timee and a smile mabey even buy a Big Issue from them!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I Wrote this poem today when i was messing around on msn with a friend lol I doubt ppl will like but here goes:

"When i was young,
when there was little to say,
and little to be done.
We spent all day, indulting in fun.
Until one morning we woke anew to find the years had slipped on through.
Now those memories once coated in joy
have become sorrowed regrets by the age of that young boy"

Yesterday (tuesday) i had a very interesting lesson: Free Hand Drawing. It all got off to a great start when i had to get the train home to get all my drawing kit just managed to get back to uni and run to the lecture just before the lecturer launched into "this isnt like school and its your responsability, i dont care if you dont turn up, ur the one who wont pass etc etc" which is all fair enough and i felt really guilty!

Anyway, we sat down and he basically told us that anyone can draw, anyone. I always seen myself as a bad arts person. I can never do what i want with a pencil but he told us how its all in your head and if we just look at it abstactly and draw what we see then it will look good! So we enbarked on the drawing of some chairs. Strangly he told us to draw the "negative space" aka draw the spaces. Not the object.....If u drew the shapes of the white spaces behind the chair then you should be left with the outline of the actual chair. I hope u understand that with my rubbish explaination! But it was very interesting, i found it very hard at the begining to see the spaces but after a while i was able to atleast see them, mabey not reproduce it though. After a while the spaces started to take on shape, it wasnt perfect and i couldnt draw the insides of the chairs at all but by the was quitely proud of myself though there is much room for improvement!

So to anyone who thinks they are RUBBISH at art then think again!

Monday, October 02, 2006

On Sunday:

Well after a late night i was woken my hittin my head off the table i was 1/2 sleeping under..... my feet were under it lol Every sunday my dad gets up and cooks a cooked breakfat, all the fatty goodness is great! Dont you love the feeling wen u eat into summin and u can taste the grease??? man i love it!

Sunday morning i went to Cambuslang old (or Auld) church for the young lady across the roads baptism. It was a raelly nice morning. For those that dont know, baptism is were one confirms her believe in god and says that she wants to live her life for him. Then they either put the person underwater or put water on there head as a sign that they are being cleaned and start anew (not that they wernt forgive by god b4 but its a sign). It was a loverly service in a more traditional church. It was really nice seeing loads of old ppl and young ppl worshiping together in the same place! I really enjoyed the experience and felt quite free to sing nice and loud. Also the sermon "talky bit" was really well done and on a good issue!

After the services the group of us younger folk walked up the road and got some food then headed up the near by field for a game of footy..... i thought i would take the dog! For those that dont know my dog loves are:

Being Chased After
Pickin up things

in that order. So as soon as we got up the field the dog saw the ball. i gave him to some of the younger girls who manged to let the dog run away and get the ball. anyway after alot of chasin we finally got the ball back and had a great time playin footy!

In the evening my mum and i went to St Silas (our church). It was set up rather different than the morning, not ur sterotypical place. it was dark with loads of random lights and all the seats moved to the sides and pillows in the middle! The Rex Allchurch band (yes he is called Rex Allchurch) were playing a concert after the service so they played the songs and the sermon was kool too.

After the service the concert started and it was great, they sounded very muse like..... singer specially. 4 piece band.... SG and Fender Strat (for u geeetar pplz :P) The dude then told some stories which were very entertain with mircles in. Was great to hear...... and was nice to see some my friends gettin really into the music and excitted bout telling god how great he is.....God is just so poweful! Thank God for music! i dont know wat i would do without it!

I aint dun sunday justice but there was just so much i could type bout and i doubt that anyone is reading so i wont drag it on!

Hey all, this is my first entry into a blog ever. I doubt anyone will read this but i guess ive got to start somewhere. So if your reading this then leave a comment!

Well i may as well start by talking about my loverly weekend just past (Have to split it into the 3days!:

On friday:
I had one lecture, thats right 1hour of maths (9-10) then i took advantage of the swimming pool on campus! It was nice, swimming lengths for 25mins, with no-one but the life guard (who kept staring at me) around.

In the evening i went to my friend Craigs house. It was like the old days when we used to play the computer all night, great fun. He has Fifa 2007 on his Xbox and its superb! Deffinatly recommend it, it makes u feel like a proper footy player (which of course i am!) Sadly though the "Just one more game" took over and i didnt get home till 1:30-2am :(

That was short! hehe

On Saturday:

It was football. We were playing against Parkhead (sadly not at parkhead) and we wont 6-1. So thats 4 wins out of 4 with a goal average of 6 im told! I would claim two assists (setting up the goals) but i think that the other teams dodgy defending and a bobly pitch should get some credit too! I was given Man of the Match for my team (St Silas) which was nice (thats 3 games in a row, YAS!). The sad thing was though that i didnt really enjoy the game. There is a problem which has been growing for the past 4-6months where people seem to think its ok to moan and get on the back of other players in the team. Throughout the match i was complained at for a number of things like not passing the ball to them (the person complaining) even though who i passed it to was in a similar or better position, not marking up the right men (though i wasnt my man to mark) and also that i wasnt talk enough on the pitch (which i can say i dont do enough). Important as it is to tell others when they are doing something wrong its not helpfully to put someone down, espically when they know they have made a mistake. Its quite a cancer in our team :(

Anyway it left me feeling down, even though we had won convincingly and it appeared i had played well. If your the prayin type of dude can u pray that things like this would improve in the team

The rest of saturday was orite: I felt so so ill during the afternoon and ended up falling asleep on my bed, waking to find that i was supposed to meet eilidh (best friend) in town in like 50mins. This would have been fine if she wasnt then staying the night. So i had to tidy to room and get some dinner b4 meeting her and i felt so bad, so i asked god to make me feel better and lone behold by the time i got the cinema i felt absolutly fine! (wih help of course of a bit of sugery tablet!)

We went to see "Children of Men" and i have to say it blew me away! It was absolutly superb! The Camera work was brilliant, 6-7min long scenes all with one hand held camera, bloody splatter and everything just super! The narrative was also excellent and i found the acting was very believable and with the long long scenes (therefore no cuts) it was spot in! (though im not much of an expert on these matters). I would deffo recommend it!

After the film Eliz and I went home and had a loverly evening of chatting till like 4am, was nice to catch up as we are both RUBBISH at staying in contact. lol I really dont understand why in 21st Centry britain its so hard to just fone or text or email or myspace ppl but yet it is. Wether its ppl goin to uni or relatives or freinds from holiday? Does everyone stuggle or is it just me?

Ill post sunday soon!