Famously Free n Almost Always Radically Ridiculous

The blog of a 20 year old Christ-Follower from Glasgow, Scotland!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

delirious?/Tim Hughes

Last night (Friday) Delirious played the Carling academy. They were supported by the very gifted Tim Hughes! I was a little unsure what I thought of Christian Concerts before I went as the bands might perform for them not lead others in worship, thankfully I was pleasantly surprised:

For those that aren't massive on artists Tim Hughes is an American guitar player who god has used to write many well known Christian songs. It was quite funny, infact, because as Tim Hughes and his band walked onto stage all the people around me where asking "Is that him? Or this a warm up band?". Which I think is a great complement to his humbleness.

His band led a large crowd in a very church worship like way, it wasn't like a concert at all. After songs I cannot remember him talking, other than to sing/talk little bits to the next song. He did a lot of well known Christian songs which were easy to sing as the words where projected onto the screen for all to see. As we sang, for me personally, I was very aware of the holy spirit moving which was just fantastic. It was so nice to see a whole crowd of thousands bouncing up and down singing praises to god, especially in a place where so much idol worship happens. Only negative thing was they didn't play for a long time!!

Shortly after they had finished the fire alarm went off..... In all the gigs I've been to this has NEVER happened! It seems typical a thing like this would happen at a Christian event? Or am I reading too much into this? Anyway, thankfully it didn' rain until we where all going back inside.

delirious? then came on and did, I felt, a very long set. After hearing many reports from others I expected a very "idol worship" like "show". Unlike Tim Hughes they were a rock band and did put on a bit of a show (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) though they were worshipping god :D Sadly for me, I didn't know any of the songs they played and since there lyrics are, it seems, written to fit the music it made it hard for me to join in. Many other people around me where really loving it! They also played a style which I don't really enjoy listening to but again other people really really liked them which was really good! Lyrically, though, delirious where good!!

At the end, as we tired to leave, it was ridiculous! You couldn't go 10 paces without dumping into someone you knew! lol This ment I missed the last train but one of the perks of living at home is my fantastic mum was able to come pick me up!

All in All it was a really good evening. The £15 ticket and high drinks prices was a bit steep and although I didn't massively enjoy delirious I'm sure God in heaven would have been enjoyed us singing to his glory! Which, end the day, is what we should be doing it for!

I love the fact that god made music, I thank him almost everyday for it but I also thank god for making us differently. We find different ways to praise god and those that like music: there are so many styles! I pray that I will never forget that people are different and have different tastes!

What did anyone else feel bout the gig?

(Saturdays match report to follow soon)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved delirious i thought they were amazing! but each to there own tastes as u say :) the atmosphere in teh place was amazing! i was really surprised who people jsut talked to u even if u didnt know them :)
ah the joys of being a christian :P

2:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"without dumping into someone you knew..."

Sounds unpleasant :)

8:40 am  

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