Famously Free n Almost Always Radically Ridiculous

The blog of a 20 year old Christ-Follower from Glasgow, Scotland!

Monday, October 23, 2006


My Gran was up from Hull for the weekend because on Sunday my brother (Alan) was being confirmed (explain later :D). The family went to the morning service at St Silas which this week was an All Age service. These happen month and instead of all the children going out to learn about god they stay in. Sadly due too the wound (injury) I picked up on Satuday I was unable to help lead the dancing but the girls did a superb job. The bands leading in songs was also, I found, very helpful and Nick's Sermon was not only refreshingly short but also very much to the point. Leaving me and I'm sure many others food for thought.

After lunch my Uncle Pete who is also Alan's brothers god father arrived. We spent the afternoon chatting away then headed to St Silas again for the evening service. It was a "special" service as 6 people where being confirmed and 3 people where being baptized and confirmed.

Some children are baptized. This is where the parents and god parents commit to bringing the child up as God wants them to be eg. Teaching the child about god. Confirmation is where that child, now old enough to decide for themselves, says publicly that they believe in god and they wish to follow is ways. (You don't have to do this to be a Christian by the way). Adult Baptisms are a similar idea, saying publicly you follow God as your Lord. They are symbolically fully immersed (put under water) representing that they are cleaned by god and are forgiven.

During the service two people who where being confirmed gave their testimonies (how they became Christians) Fantastic! Also a great guy called Christian was ordained (officially became a minister) and the band sounded really rocky. Leading the congregation in praise which I'm sure god was loving!

One of the two bishop's gave a sermon on Peters Confession of Christ . Though his point, I felt, did not relate to the passage. He also said that one had to have experience with god before they could become a Christian which I don't agree with. I until recently never "experienced" god and not in the same way his examples (Adam, Moses, Paul etc.) did. Maybe I misinterpreted what he was saying but that's the clear message I got. Obviously the guy has many more years of learning about god than me! I must stress these are my thoughts and I in no way which to start an argument about it but what does anyone else think? I would be interested in hearing/learning from what others have to say...

It was loverly having my gran and Uncle up and chatting away, I pray that i will be as mobile as her when im that age!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personaly like bishop deriks talk u could see god shining through that man soo much :) i think what he ment was u need to interact and have the relationship with God and not just say well i believe cause you need to let it be a 2 way relationship i dont think that u can't be a christian without the relationship but i think the most solid of christians have had experiences of God but again personal opinion. i may be wrong but the other part of his talk about how your actions affect everyone and that really hit home and made me think it was interesting. the service was amazing i really enjoyed it. the band were on top form, and the atmosphere in the church was emense you could feel the holy spirit fall on the place like nothing else! i went home feeling fab :) and it was great to see all the baptisms and the confirmations. its amazing to see more people publicly profess there faith to God and the church!!!

3:20 pm  

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