Famously Free n Almost Always Radically Ridiculous

The blog of a 20 year old Christ-Follower from Glasgow, Scotland!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Prayer Walk:

Tuesday was Halloween and my friend Johnny felt God was asking him to arranged a prayerwalk. This is basically, as the name suggests, walking around and praying for people and places which we go past. Especially things which we feel god was puttin on our hearts to pray for. Praise the Lord because it was just amazing!

People had pictures/visions/words from god and that was before we even left the flat while we where worshipping him. As we walked around the whole team felt god pushing and telling us where to go and what to pray for. Guiding us on what specifically we needed to do.

Before we began we had a plan of where we would head to but god gave a picture of where we needed to go: There was a large metal bucket which was pouring out this very white water down the hill which the flat is built on. As it flowed down the hill it went into all the streets but apart from one. So we went down that way and someone had a pictures of a wall which was a barrier to the water. The street was also called "White Street"!!! Just amazing! The pictures, words, what to pray for and feels of where to go next came regularly for hours!! (please read Johnnys blog for more) I could spend hours talking about all the different things. If your interested then email me or something! Very importantly this revelations did not only from one of us but there was so much confirmation from the others in the group on almost every situation we where in.

Personally I felt so out of my depth before we started yet it was infact me who got the picture of where to go which was just amazing! It was also the first time I had been in that part of the west end but I knew exactly which road to go down! God gave me a "fair share" of revelations over the evening which is not important or in anyway taking it away from god cos its all him! Yet this was the first time I had ever done anything like this and I am VERY inexperienced with things to do with spiritual gifts etc yet god still used me too, thank god! It really reminds me that god will always prepare us and use us at all times, even though we are being "trained" we are still always ready to complete what god wants us to do at that time! IF we let him, if we just let him use us which is why gods power was so shown yesterday evening!

It was also brilliant to spend time with more experienced people, to see how they operate and how god uses them. Also met three people which is always a good thing! As I look around at the people who surround me I realize how extremely blessed I am that god has put them there, helping me learn more about him! (Though clearly that is not there only purpose for being there!)

Praise the Lord!!!


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