Famously Free n Almost Always Radically Ridiculous

The blog of a 20 year old Christ-Follower from Glasgow, Scotland!

Friday, February 16, 2007

The end is nigh

It's in the news all the time and my lectures keep telling me that we are all going to die!! If it's not global warming it's Bird flu or another disease or a lack of water or lack of food or insects or a meteor or the old favourite of nuclear war. Looking at the evidence it's all rather damning: the end is nigh; life as we know it is coming to an end....

The other day I was talking to my mate about a program which was looking at a Religions response (or the lack of it) to global warming. Although I didn't see it he mentioned his surprise, and that of the program makers, that "Religion" hasn't jumped on the Global Warming bandwagon saying " Look the earth is coming to an end, repent and be saved". I agreed with him, it seems strange that the more outspoken people, both Christians and those from other religions, haven't mentioned anything about it; seems to go against the stereotype.

Its a subject which I haven't really thought about before: are all these problems pointing towards Jesus second coming? After thinking about it I have to conclude that, since God controls the weather and is all powerful, then, this must be part of his plan. Therefore, yes, if the world is going to change as dramatically as scientists suggest then all these environmental problems could very much tie into Jesus' return! We do though need to remember that through history people have been claiming Jesus is coming "soon" yet God says that we won't know until it happens! Thankfully it's not something which I worry about :) Anyone got any views?

On a different note, I think the fact people haven't mentioned global warming as a sign of the end is a clear indication that Christianity is now so scared to mention what we believe (that those who don't follow have Jesus as there saviour will live eternity without him, hell). Whereas in past centuries an answer was found from the bible and published for the whole world to see! In the 21st century it's politically incorrect to say such things and it seems religion is too worried to mention "Maybe this is God" let alone "Jesus is coming", it breaks my heart and while of course I don't mean people should go about scare mongering about Global Warming and start breaking the law this is just one example of a general trend not to stand up for things.

When the Life of Brian came out 30-40 years ago there was a massive fuss kicked up. That was over a film (which personally I have no problem with) yet now when it comes to much more important issues; like religious freedoms, gay rights and blasphemy (lyrics in songs, for examples) we seem scared even to use our right of free speech to oppose such things!

I've just started reading Acts (a book from the bible) and the difference between the Church then and now is amazing. While of course there any many fearless men and woman in the Christian Church today people like Stephen, John and Peter (just for starters) really show many of us up. I'm just as bad as anyone else and I think that it's because I'm too worried about what other people think. This feeling, though, isn't something which I alone suffer from; do we worry that that if we annoy people God's message won't get through? or is that just an excuse not to talk about our faith? If we take a look at almost all biblical character then we would see how it should be done: Do what God says and not to worry if what you do annoys people because we are here to please God, not others (That doesn't mean going out of our way to annoy others because we are called to love others as ourselves yet).

Christianity needs people to start standing up and proclaiming God "in the temple" like the early church or else we will fall!

On a lighter note I hope you'll enjoy this clip from Mock The Week (episode 2 series 4). A couple of the things this blog is about are loosely related to some of their jokes. BE WARNED this show is on after the watershed; there is a little bit of none politically correct jokes and language:

Mock The Week is fast becoming one of my favourite shows on TV. Please follow this let alone link to see the rest of the episode

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

My inaugural address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have raptured out billions! The Secret Rapture soon, by my hand!
Read My Inaugural Address

Your jaw will drop!

4:55 pm  

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